Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Please join us on Ash Wednesday (February 17th) at 7 pm for a joint Ash Wednesday service with other United churches in Mississauga.

You are invited to join with five other United Churches in the area for our Ash Wednesday service on Zoom.  Together with St. Stephen’s-on-the -Hill, Westminster, Erindale, Christ First and Munn’s we will start our Lenten season with a service of lament.  This service feels particularly important this year as we turn over to God the fears and frustrations of entering our second Lent in pandemic. 

Please have something available to mark yourself with the sign of the cross.  If you have ashes you can use those, or you can get creative and use graphite, eye shadow, or simply a bit of water or olive oil.  Also, you will be asked to write your lament on a “tear drop”.  Please have a piece of paper for this act. Following the service, if you are interested, there will be a short time of fellowship with the other churches in “break out rooms”.  I encourage you to stay and connect with old friends or meet some new ones.  If you prefer to only attend the worship portion that is just fine too.  Yu are free to leave when you wish.

Rev. Jessica is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ash Wednesday Evening Joint Service
Time: Feb 17, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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