Sunday December 22, 2024 – 4th Sunday in Advent
Please join us for a Family oriented Christmas celebration. Also featuring our talented Boomer Band!
Cloth for the Cradle

During this Advent and Christmas season we will use some prayers and activities from the book, Cloth for the Cradle, which comes from the ecumenical Iona Community of Scotland. Not all the prayers feature cloth, but the primary, interactive activity does, and we will engage this “Cloth for the Cradle” activity on the fourth Sunday of Advent. I love this idea of sanctifying ordinary things like cloth during a sacred season. So, I also challenge you to wear some extra cloth during the Sundays of Advent:
Dec. 22 is “Sweater Sunday” (ugly Christmas sweaters encouraged!)
Rev. Joe challenges you to bring an extra toque, pair of mittens, scarf, or sweater for each of the corresponding Sundays, which we will then give to the Open Door ministry of Square One.